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We are still looking!

This is such an exciting time for us as trustees as we feel that God has something big planned for us. Our own plot land.




Security of tenure. The lack of a secure tenure is weakness in the long term development and security of the organisation.  The trustees feel that we should seek to settle this matter for future generations.  With our own plot of land, we will also be able to invest in H&DCYC specific advancements.



Secondly, with each year we are growing, growing in numbers, growing in equipment and growing in requirements. Having a site where we can build permanent storage for our marquees, kitchen equipment and technology would be a massive advancement.



H&DCYC, like most of you know, was established in 1944. Though the times have changed, we still remain true to our core values. Serving young people, quality teaching, powerful worship and lifelong community. Providing a sense of security for the next generation of trustees and leaders is something we are passionate about.

Make it happen.

Why is this plot so special?


We are currently looking for land on the edge of, or just outside the Purbecks, where planning is less strict.  The field needs to be in open countryside, far enough away from other houses so we don’t create a noise nuisance! it should be largely flat with good drainage. Mature trees would offer great protection from the wind.    


We have dedicated reserves of approximately £70,000 and pledges to the value of about £70,000 (to be confirmed). More is likely to be needed depending on the size of the field and the preparation work to be undertaken. We would ask you to prayerfully consider supporting us in this step of faith. Please navigate to our Giving page or contact the Treasurer.

The trustees have considered several potential sites in recent years, but our bids haven’t been successful.